Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Half the battle is believing in yourself

It's easy to say you want something, but it's a whole other matter to truly believe in your heart that you can achieve it and you deserve to achieve it. Money is a really good example of this.

Money often has a lot of emotional attachments for people and is often tied to certain beliefs. Whilst you might know instinctively that money is a necessity in the modern world, it's a different matter to truly believe you deserve a lot of money and to trust that you are capable of managing it well and helping it to grow. This is why you often find no matter how much money you earn, you're still struggling the same as you were you when you earned less money (now with more expensive possessions).

The key to financial success is ensuring your beliefs are in line with your desires for wealth. So you need to dig deeply and really get to know how you feel about money. Then you can work on changing your beliefs to attract and maintain the money.

The same applies to all areas of life. For instance, if you do not believe at your core that you are worthy of good relationships in your life, or you don't believe you are good enough, your subconscious will find a way to push potentially good relationships away . Furthermore, you will attract negative relationships with others who are likely to share your low level of self-esteem and worthiness.

Spend time getting to know how you think about things and whether or not your beliefs are holding you back from having the successful and happy life you deserve.

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Law of attraction in process

How do you balance wanting something, with being happy where you are? The law of attraction states in order to attract what you want, you need to be a vibrational match to what you want. In other words, you need to feel (now) the way you would if you already had what you wanted.

The significant challenge with this, is that you tend to want certain things because you're tired of things in the present - and you want a change in order to feel better. There in lies the problem - focussing on what you dislike about the present results in you being stuck in the present. Further, the negativity you feel is not a vibrational match to what you want and hence you do not attract your desires.

So how do you stay in that positive mindset when you can't see results? This is where gratitude comes in. The purpose of being grateful is to shift your mind to think "you know what, even though I don't have the things I want (eg partner, house, car, job) my life is pretty good".

If you can do this on a regular basis, you will regularly cause your energy and mood to be a match to your desires and hence the law of attraction can do its work.

A classic example of this is when women who have been trying to fall pregnant using IVF decide to stop trying and relax about it - then 'accidentally' fall pregnant straight away. Their energy changed from one of stress and frustration, to one of peace. Another example is when you stop looking for a partner and by chance suddenly meet the person of your dreams.

Your energy and mindset are very powerful forces. Use these powers to create and maintain the life you want and truly deserve.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Hormone trap

The thing about being a woman is that two weeks a month can be a challenge fighting the hormones that rage before and during your period. The worst of these is agitation and depression.

It's really important to be mindful of your cycle and your moods around your cycle because they can cause you to think you're feeling down (thus sabotaging your goals) when in fact your moods are physical, not emotional. When you don't recognize the nature of your moods, you can easily try to alter them with positive thinking, which often makes you more frustrated. In addition, women tend to focus on how terrible they feel, which in turn leads to more negative moods.

When depression an agitation are physical, it's best to treat them physically and then remind yourself that it will pass, rather than getting upset about feeling this way. Focussing on how frustrated you are because you feel this way will only make the experience worse.

This is where Pilates and yoga can really help. They loosen everything up, thus having both a physical and emotional positive impact on your body and mind. Eating iron rich foods can also help if you have a heavy period. The important thing is to take action and attack the negative moods before they impact your life.

Be proactive during these two weeks a month and don't allow a physical response to set you back every month.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Are you just going through the motions?

I was thinking today about life, my goals & the reasons why I decided to get into the profession of helping others. From as young as 11 yrs of age I can recall thinking 'I want to be in a job that helps ple or animals'. For a while I thought that my love of animals would lead me to veterinary work - then I realised I wouldn't have the heart to put animals down when their 'time' came. Then I thought I wanted to be a teacher working with children or a child therapist because I love kids so much. However, I soon realised I was too sensitive to cope with the emotional trauma of childhood and would end up wanting to take every suffering child home!!!

Finally, I found my niche working with adults who want to improve their lives. Now, with this in mind, I am constantly brainstorming new ways my clients and members achieve their dreams. These ideas come fast and furiously, so I'm often running from project to project without stopping to think about what I'm doing and REALLY enjoying the process. The shame of working like this is that I can neglect to stop and enjoy my passion. I end up running on a treadmill without giving myself time to relish in the joy of my ideas and in the creative process. I'm reminded of my passion every time I finish sessions with a clients and I see the change in their level of hope, happiness and self confidence. That leaves me on a high too. However, it's important to remember this joy during all my daily tasks.

This issue of reminding myself to stop and enjoy the moments in life - relates to all areas of my life. I'm just about finished my next book to help mums with the emotional side of motherhood. The major topic I was writing about last night was all the 'hats' we have to wear as mothers. As a result, it's no wonder we are constantly thinking about the next thing we have to do, instead of simply enjoying the present task and then gradually moving on to the next one. Without changing our mindset to enjoy these moments, life can pass by very quickly.

So, I'm now reminding myself during every day tasks as well to enjoy the process. I put my daughter to bed tonight and simply enjoyed the moment, rather than daydreaming half way through the (often long) bed routine process, to list in my mind all the tasks I had to do before going to bed myself. Being a Mum is one of my greatest joys in life, so I also need to remind myself to enjoy the moments before she grows up and doesn't need or want me to tuck her into bed any more. It's time to stop going through the motions & start enjoying & relishing all the precious moments & motions of life.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Valuing your Friendships

Friends come from many different mediums: online, face to face & over the phone friends. Often we assume all our friends should be as close as best friends. We place expectations on our friendship and feel disappointed when friends let us down. However, it's important to be realistic with your expectations. For instance, is it appropriate to expect the same from an acquaintance you chat to online as it from a friend you see socially on the weekends? 

Much of our disappointment with friends stems from what we expect from them and from our own values. Often we think "I'd never treat a friend like that", but should all your friends have exactly the same values as you? Is it possible that everyone has a million and 1 things going on in their lives, so you will find times when they have loads of time for you & times when they are simply caught up in their own lives.

The message here is as long as you are being treated with respect, you can relax and allow your friends to be who they are, rather than be a clone of you. Enjoy friendships for what they are and try not to place demands, ultimatums or infect them with unnecessary neediness.