Thursday, September 13, 2012

Are you just going through the motions?

I was thinking today about life, my goals & the reasons why I decided to get into the profession of helping others. From as young as 11 yrs of age I can recall thinking 'I want to be in a job that helps ple or animals'. For a while I thought that my love of animals would lead me to veterinary work - then I realised I wouldn't have the heart to put animals down when their 'time' came. Then I thought I wanted to be a teacher working with children or a child therapist because I love kids so much. However, I soon realised I was too sensitive to cope with the emotional trauma of childhood and would end up wanting to take every suffering child home!!!

Finally, I found my niche working with adults who want to improve their lives. Now, with this in mind, I am constantly brainstorming new ways my clients and members achieve their dreams. These ideas come fast and furiously, so I'm often running from project to project without stopping to think about what I'm doing and REALLY enjoying the process. The shame of working like this is that I can neglect to stop and enjoy my passion. I end up running on a treadmill without giving myself time to relish in the joy of my ideas and in the creative process. I'm reminded of my passion every time I finish sessions with a clients and I see the change in their level of hope, happiness and self confidence. That leaves me on a high too. However, it's important to remember this joy during all my daily tasks.

This issue of reminding myself to stop and enjoy the moments in life - relates to all areas of my life. I'm just about finished my next book to help mums with the emotional side of motherhood. The major topic I was writing about last night was all the 'hats' we have to wear as mothers. As a result, it's no wonder we are constantly thinking about the next thing we have to do, instead of simply enjoying the present task and then gradually moving on to the next one. Without changing our mindset to enjoy these moments, life can pass by very quickly.

So, I'm now reminding myself during every day tasks as well to enjoy the process. I put my daughter to bed tonight and simply enjoyed the moment, rather than daydreaming half way through the (often long) bed routine process, to list in my mind all the tasks I had to do before going to bed myself. Being a Mum is one of my greatest joys in life, so I also need to remind myself to enjoy the moments before she grows up and doesn't need or want me to tuck her into bed any more. It's time to stop going through the motions & start enjoying & relishing all the precious moments & motions of life.

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