Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Giving 100% to achieving your goals

In the pursuit of goals, there are two steps. 1) deciding on the goal that you want to achieve and 2) being 100% committed to achieving your goal. The first one takes some time because you can find you change your mind regularly about what you really want. However, once you are convinced about your desires, the most important part is being committed to achieving it.

In order to be committed to achieving a goal you need a number of things:

- ) unwavering self believe that you can achieve your goal

-) a single minded attitude that is able to fight against any obstacles that come your way

-) a plan that you can easily follow and adjust when necessary

-) a clear view of the steps necessary to make it

The first two of these necessities can be the most challenging. For instance, if you are starting a new business, you are likely to be faced with a period of making little money or just breaking even. At this point, you need to believe wholeheartedly in your product, avoid destructions that may convince you to focus on other ways to make (quick-fix) money and ignore the negative messages you are likely to be sending yourself - that will dint your self confidence.

With a strong mental attitude you can achieve any goal you set your mind towards. In fact, most successful people will tell of times they were faced with setbacks, but with a strong mind, they persisted and achieved their dreams. Most people give up in the face of adversity or when things become challenging. This is the time, however, to be strong and trust that if you are 100% deviated to achieving your goals you can and will be successful in your endeavors.

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