Thursday, June 27, 2013

Quick way to reduce anxiety

Anxiety can strike in the most peculiar circumstances and situations. You may wake up anxious after a bad sleep, feel anxious as a result of your thoughts, or feel physically anxious for a range of reasons (eg exhaustion, food intolerance, too much caffeine).

The physical reactions you have when you feel anxious, such as your heart pumping quickly, have been programmed into you to give you a 'quick start' when you find yourself in trouble. However, because modern life lends itself to pushing you way beyond the norm, many people experience regular - unpleasant - anxiety which can be very uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Long term there are a range of anxiety reducing techniques (such as mindfulness and meditation) which work particularly well when your thoughts are the cause of your anxious responses. Thoughts related to worrying about something tend to be the culprit here. These thoughts include worrying about money, relationships, the world at large and so on.

Whilst long term anxiety reducing techniques are great and very useful, you often need a quick-fix when you're in the midst of an anxious episode. In this instance it has been found that one of the quickest methods of reducing anxiety is to shake it out physically - for instance through dance!

Everyone has a favorite song that makes them feel like being physical. If you're at home and you feel that anxious feeling coming on (eg you're siting at your computer stressing over your bills), stop for 5-10 mins and turn on your stereo. Find those songs that make you feel alive, energetic and full of life. Then, dance with all your might. You can do this alone or with friends/family/partner/your dog/cat. In fact doing this with others is a great way to shift you both into moment-to-moment thinking so it serves 2 great purposes.

If you're not at home, put your headphones on and stop what you're doing for 5-10 minutes and at least enjoy the positive energy boost you'll receive from the music, by tapping your feet or just breathing in the positive energy.

This simple technique is very powerful because it serves to physically re-adjust your body, shift your mental state from worry to happiness and to revitalize your body too.

So, the next time you're feeling anxious give this technique a go and enjoy the instant release it brings you.

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

What do you need to change to look and feel good?

There comes a point when you realise you have to give up things you enjoy for a period if time in order to achieve something that is miles apart from where you are now. It would be nice if you could simply have anything your heart desires and enjoy all the little pleasures you take for granted - without any input. However, live is a bit trickier than that!

Getting healthy is a very good example of this. We often assume eating healthy foods and exercising are only important for the way we look externally. However, your extremities reflect your body internally. If you're eating unhealthy foods on a regular basis you're likely to find your skin looks dull, your eyes are not bright white, your nails chip easily and your hair may be thinner than usual too - to name a few...

The fascinating part of diet is that most of us are not truly aware of what we are eating. We assume we are pretty healthy most of the time. However, when you start to observe everything that goes into your mouth on a daily basis you may be shocked to realise you're regularly consuming products that are high in fats such as butter/margarine and snacking on foods that are high in salt and sugar.

It's also interesting to observe the quantity of fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, healthy grains and healthy fats you're consuming. These are the things to increase in your daily life.

Of course, too much attention to your diet can drive you crazy, but slight changes to your eating, such as adding a salad to your lunch, swapping from sugar to honey and cutting out margarine/butter from you'd diet can go a long way towards increasing your health.

When you improve your inner health, your external appearance improves accordingly.

Feeling good on the inside will also give you back that spring in your step and make you feel more youthful. Tiny changes also tend to snowball into bigger and better changes - so start small and see how much better you feel.

Live this life to the fullest.

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why is seems the law of attraction isn't working

If you're feeling like you're hitting your head against the wall because your desires are not coming fast enough, it's time to look at what you're thinking!

People often assume they are being positive because they focus on what they want for periods of time during the day, but how much of their day is spent being positive versus being negative ?

Being negative dies not have to mean that you're a pessimistic person or that you're severely depressed. Negative self talk often happens so quickly that by the time you realize you're being negative, you've had a plethora if negative conversations in your head that invite more negative people, circumstances and events into your life.

Negative thinking is a habit - probably one of the most detrimental habits you are likely engage in. Negative thinking includes small examples, such as:
• opening an email from a person who is driving you crazy at work & thinking "she's so annoying"
• collecting the mail & thinking "I'm not going to open it now because I know it's a bill I can't pay"
• being cut off in traffic and thinking "what an idiot that driver is - he almost killed me"
• running late for work and thinking "I'm hopeless, I'm never on time"
• getting upset with your kids/friend/partner/family member/colleague (with reason) and thinking "I should never have spoken up - now they'll hate me"

.... And the list goes on....

You can see how quickly negative thinking can affect your life and therefore influence what you attract into your life.

The crazy thing about negative thinking is somewhere underneath the negative thinking is a belief that states "if I think hard enough about what's wrong - something will change". However, this goes against all the natural laws of the Universe - sick as the law of attraction. This habit and belief are, unfortunately, very well ingrained, so it takes effort to be VERY mindful of all the little negative thoughts that pass through your mind and the start to concert then into positive thinking.

A great way to start doing this is to take a leaf out of Loiuse Hay's book. She tells herself a very simple mantra "only good things lay before me". This mantra gives you a different focus - when practiced regularly. For instance, if you believe only good things lay before you and during the day someone cuts you off in traffic - instead of thinking "he almost killed me", you can think "maybe that happened to wake me up and remind me to pay attention". Similarly if you receive a bill, instead of thinking "I can't pay this", you'll start to think "I always find a way to pay things so I can handle any bill I receive". By the way... This is very true of bills. Often people stress a lot about bills coming in, however, once the shock subsides, they find a way to pay it.

Small negative self talk, leads to larger negative self talk. This negative language infects your life and prevents you from living a full and happy life.

Start with small changes. Be mindful today of the things you're saying to yourself and to others. Start to tell yourself a positive mantra and trust that the Universe will bring you what you desire - when its right for you.

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