Sunday, September 4, 2016

Self esteem building tips: Every day is a great day for love

Special days like Fathers Day, Mothers Day and Valentines Day can bring up good or bad feelings depending on your personal relationships at the time.

Today is Fathers Day in Australia. Walking down  famous Chapel Street in Melbourne I was so touched by how many lovely young and old children I saw hugging their fathers and how many happy fathers I saw - just touched by the love of their family members. It really made me feel happy.

There were two main things that I took from this experience.

1) Days like this don't have to be about your dad if you don't have one, are not one, or are estranged from one. They are days to remind you that there is a lot of good in this world and you have people you love who also love you too - it's about focussing your attention here.

2) Whist we hear a lot of negativity, in general the human race is loving and kind. We generally have pretty good lives. There are always things to strive for, but we need to remember that there is kindness and love in our lives, despite what might be missing from time to time.

Sometimes depression strikes on days like this

In order to avoid feeling depressed on days like this and to ensure you can always maintain a high self esteem it's crucial to focus regularly on the love and fortune in your life. There is always some good to find in each day. If you prepare well for these events you can feel so much better. For instance, on Valentine's Day you could organise a nice outing with a close friend, on Fathers Day volunteer to help someone in need and on Mother's Day go to the movies and watch a comedy to bring on those feel good hormones.

Don't wait to feel better in order to do something to make yourself feel better. Take action when you need it most and find the best ways for you to improve your self esteem and sell worth- particularly on days that can trigger painful memories. Be prepared and be kind to yourself too.

To find out how you can build your self esteem visit:

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