Thursday, February 27, 2014

Often all you need is a little hope

There is much to be said for adding a little hope to your life. 

Those who have a religious background understand the power of hope quite intimately. Religions are predominantly based on the promise of hope for a better life. Having faith assist believers to through the toughest times because there is the innate belief that God will always look after you and help you get through even the toughest circumstances.

In every day life you can also use the same philosophy to get you through every tough times - simply by focussing on how you can increase hope. For instance, let's say you have been feeling very lonely as a result of your desire for an intimate partner. You try to stay positive, but often feel like you're luck is never going to change. After a while you lose hope and just stop trying to meet your ideal partner. 

If you really gave up all hope at the point you would close yourself off from all the  opportunities to meet potential partners in the future. However, if you took decisive action to increase your chances of meeting your perfect match, you would increase hope and find your life changes very quickly.

Every struggle can lend itself to times of despair. It can be difficult to find hope in times of financial strain, physical exhaustion, loss, stress and when you feel overwhelmed and undervalued. Yet there are countless examples of individuals who have successfully overcome these struggles. 

What's their secret? 

The secret to their success comes down to taking action regardless of their feelings (and especially when they are feeling down) and being extremely clear about what they want. A classic example of this is when you feel depressed and hopeless in a current occupation. When you begin having an open dialogue with your Manager, begin looking for a better job, or start editing your CV it's incredible how quickly you begin to feel a sense of hope and your ability to cope with your present circumstance increases immensely.

We all need hope. Whatever situation you are struggling with (or someone close to you is struggling with), commit to finding rays of hope. Do anything to feel as though you are moving in your chosen direction. Every time you take control over your life, you increase your level of hope.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How focussing on the negatives can create a prisoner in your own mind

One of the most common patterns of thinking involves focussing (and regularly discussing) how bad you feel because you don't yet have what you desire. Classic thoughts of lack include:

* My home is too small or too old

* I am getting too old to have children

*I don't have enough money

*I hate my body

*I am tired all the time

*I don't have any great friends

*I will never have a great intimate relationship 

It's human nature to ponder on these beliefs and to discuss them with your friends and relatives. However, if the majority of your thoughts are in this headspace, you are likely to lose track of reality as these thoughts begin to infiltrate your very existence. You can become consumed by them, to the point where you rarely allow you to have fun and relax. Instead you find yourself complaining about the same issues over and over again in the hope that either you, or someone else will find the perfect solution for you. Yet this rarely occurs.

Speaking regularly about things you currently are unable to change leaves you feeling trapped and a complete hostage to your negative thoughts and beliefs. Yes, we all need to vent our frustrations from time to time. However, when you are complaining without finding potential solutions to your problems and then actively taking decisive action to change your life for the positive - you are simply living within the confines of an imprisoned mind.

It's important to regularly check in with yourself and take note of the conversations you have with those closest to you. For instance, you may regularly be complaining about the job you hate, the boss who is a bully, the friend who lets you down, the baby you really desire and the partner you long for. If this is the case, assess the outcome of these conversations. Have you had any breakthroughs and changed your life as a result of these conversations? Your answer to this question will be quite telling. If you are having these conversations regularly it is most likely that you're either making little or no progress, are in a situation that can't be altered right now, or you simply are not ready to step out of your comfort zone to change. Be aware of where you sit in terms of wanting change.

Life will always throw dilemmas our way. However, it is part of our growth to learn from these issues and to take action to positively impact your life and those you care for.

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Who decides on your reality?

It's very interesting to start to delve deeper into the mind. This pondering begs to question how two people can experience the exact same event and yet have completely different views on what transpired.

When you think about the way we conceptualise reality, this phenomenon seems quite impossible. After all, isn't what we see reality? 

In reality, what we observe and how we interpret our observations, make up our reality. Your perceptions will be directly related to your current emotional state and your history. A person who is generally feeling happy will view a potentially negative event in a much more optimistic light, than a person who is feeling depressed. Yet the event remains in Essence the same.

If you can accept this concept to be true, you can accept a concept one step further and believe that the way you think about your environment directly mirrors your perception of reality. Thus, what you think about - you truly create!

Our whole existence is based on believing our real world outside of us makes us feel particular ways. People often think "The job makes me uphappy, the money problems make me unhappy, the partner makes me unhappy" and so on... 

However, in reality it is our perception of these events that cause us to be unhappy, rather than the events themselves. By choosing to alter your perceptions, you not only find liberation in the face of adversity, but you find a path to creating new and more pleasant realities.

We go back to meditation because it is a powerful way of controlling your thoughts and opens up the window to create your desires future. If you can't find time to meditate right now, at the very least take opportunities where possible to focus on feelings of happiness. Travelling to work is a perfect time to engage in positive thinking. Wearing dark sunglasses on a train enables you to close your eyes in a crowded environment without any embarrassment.

During these times of meditation think about how you can start to create the positive energy in you that you want to project externally. You don't need to worry about the outcome. If the laws of quantum physics are correct - like energy attracts. So your greatest job in life is to ensure your mindset and emotional state match the same mindset you believe you will have only once you receive your desired outcome. Feeling before seeing!! TRUST is the key ingredient. 

It's a shift in your way of thinking, but it's so worthwhile to really begin to enjoy each day in your life journey.

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Finding a way to see the light at the end of the tunnel

When things are going wrong it seems impossible to switch your mindset into the positive in order to attempt to attract your hearts desires. However, the reason it's hard is because we go about things the wrong way. We focus our attention on how we can possibly alter these negative experiences in order to be happy.

What we need to do instead is start each day and end each evening thinking about all the things in our lives that are going really well despite our negative experiences.

These can be as small as how lucky you are to live in a safe country, be healthy, have nice friends, earn a good living, have a close relationship with a lived one, have nice clothes, have a good car and so on.

Focussing on these good things will raise your internal energy so that you can be in a more positive stage to attract what you need to change your negative experiences also.

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Stop worrying about what others think in the office

How much time do you spend at work worrying about what your superiors might think of you? 

Many employees spend countless hours per day worrying about whether or not the boss will like them and even whether or not they will be fired. This fear is partly driven by an ever changing economy and regular news of company closures and downsizing. However, the major driver of this fear is internal insecurity as a result of personalising work.

One of the most common human fears is failure and at work failure can be grounds for dismissal. Whilst this fear can be valid, it is a fear that is usually irrational as most people are working at a high standard - consistent with their high work ethic. The nature of working for someone else leaves one exposed to external circumstances, so it's important to recognise that all you can do is try your best at work and ensure you treat it like a business, rather than your friend. 

People often become very upset about changes in the workplace and in particular negative personalities that make it very difficult to perform ones job well on a daily basis. Thisviscagain due to the personalisation and ownership placed on ones career in the first place. In other words making the mistake of taking work personally and forgetting that it's a business. 

Company downsizing and cutting staff is a perfect example of the line between work and emotions. The people in charge of firing large quantities of staff must separate the work from emotion in order to think strategically about which staff should be let go. Whilst being friends with your boss may protect you for a while, when it comes to major decisions like these companies look at productivity and cost savings. So, once again all you can do from a professional standpoint is think regularly about how your contribution at work impacts on the business and don't allow yourself to be dragged down by negative personalities in the workplace.

As the employee you must think of work as a business and your performance as part of this business. Your personal life is completely separate. The friendships you develop at work have nothing to do with your work (except with respect to forming networks to assist with daily tasks and potential future jobs). They mainly make your day to day life more pleasant and really form part of your personal life - not your professional life. 

So, enjoy your relationships at work and start each day with a mindset of success, achievement and contribution to the greater good of your company's needs. After all, negative people eventually move on and all the work you do will hold you in great stead for new and exciting professional positions in the future.