Monday, January 31, 2011

Eat chocolate to beat depression

When you start to notice that you're getting that depressed feeling again, it's important to try to shake it as soon as possible so that it doesn't take hold of you. Depression is often the result of negative thoughts, however many times it is the result of a physiological imbalance. This imbalance occurrs as a result of low levels of the brain chemical serotonin.

Chocolate can have an empowering effect on brain chemicals when used effectively and in moderation. Chocolate has been found to have a calming effect on the brain. Thus, the next time you're feeling 'the blues' coming on, reach for a small block of chocolate and see how it instantly improves your mood.

It is important to use it in moderation, otherwise the sugar and fat will negate the positive effects on mood. However, it certainly is a great way to snap you out of a negative spell when you need an instant pick me up.