Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Why do you really want be healthy or lose weight?

It's very interesting to note the magnitude of weight loss products available on the market, yet more and more adults, adolescents and children are struggling with weight gain. So, what's missing?? There must be a piece of the puzzle missing.

Why does it seem to be so easy for some & yet so hard for others to stick to a balanced diet and fitness regimen? Those who find it easy may assume it's just as simple as making a decision to be fit and healthy, but this is not accurate. Often there are various underlying issues which make is much harder for some to achieve their health and fitness goals. I have yet to meet someone who didn't reach their goals because they were lazy!

What's the secret then to becoming a healthy individual: the answer lies in the reasons behind deciding to be healthy. When you're trying to shift behaviour, it's not enough to want it. It has to be imperative and there must be a significant consequence to not engaging in the desired behaviours that lead to heathy living. In other words you must feel that you have no choice - but change!

Once you have reached this point, then you can start to focus on how great you feel - as a way of sustaining motivation, because by this point it has become a way of life. At this habit stage, the routine if healthy living becomes automatic and enjoyable.

The secret thus lies in finding your crunch point. Figuring out - What's going to happen to you if you don't change your behavior today? You may take time to discover your drive. However, if you really want to live a long and successful life, you owe it to yourself to stop looking in envy at other people who are leading the life you really believe you should be living and then go for it.

Start thinking about the cost of living an unhealthy life in terms of the following:

-) money (how much do you end up spending on medical & alternative therapy trying to undo the damage you've caused by your unhealthy lifestyle?)

-) work (how many promotions are going to pass you by as a result of your lack of energy and lack of mental clarity?)

-) love life (how many potential and current partners are you going to self sabotage as a result of lacking in confidence)

-) health (how sick do you have to become before it really matters?)

... And so on

The more you focus your attention here, the more weight you will give to your reasons for changing your lifestyle. 

You owe it to yourself to life your best life & to live a long, happy & successful life

To find more inspiration visit Happy life at: www.happylife.net.au or www.helpformums.com