Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What makes you happy?

We're all different. That's what makes us so much fun and so difficult to work out at times!

Have you ever stopped to think about what actually makes you smile.

Do you assume that because something makes you happy, that it should make everyone just as happy?

Do you berate yourself for not being satisfied with what you have now?

It's really important to work out what gives you joy in your life. You may think that you should be happy because you have things that other people desire, like great relationships, money, success or fame. However, happiness is an individual thing, so it's necessary to investigate how you see yourself and how you can lift your confidence and self-esteem by pursuing the things that are right for you (instead of trying to please other people, or trying to live up to an 'ideal'). Once you decide on who you are and who you would like to be, you can place more effort in the right direction and bring in to your life longer lasting happiness and fulfilment in life.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The power of a simple photo

If ever you've been extremely stressed, you'll know that it usually takes a rather huge distraction to shake your mood. One of the easiest ways to distract yourself when you are in the throws of stress and anxiety is with a photograph. This photo can be of someone/people you love, a place that you've visited or would like to visit, or of anything that can put life into perspective.

The best photos are those that have an immediate impact. For instance, if you are stressed about finances, one look at your partner and kids laughing in a photo will quickly make you realise what life is all about. Once you have shifted your mindset away from stress, you are then in a much clearer mindset to deal with the original stress at hand.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Secrets of Healing your Body - By Inna Segal

With Secrets of Healing your Body - By Inna Segal, you'll discover how to live a healing way of life, multiple levels of healing, how to connect with your body, a brilliant way to start your day, plus powerful healing processes.

Secrets of Healing Your Body
What does it take to heal your body and create an extraordinary life?
Discover the answers for yourself by participating in this interactive, exciting and powerful program, with Inna Segal.

You’ll love this DVD as long as you want to gain a better understanding of healing, learn how to connect with and receive information about your body and actively participate in your own healing.

With Secrets of Healing Your Body, you’ll discover:

How to live a healing way of life
  • Multiple levels of healing

  • How to connect with your body

  • A brilliant way to start your day

  • Why Awareness + Tools = Choice

  • With Secrets of Healing Your Body, you’ll experience some powerful processes:

    • Inna’s ‘Shake It Up’ process

    • A Relaxation Exercise

    • Colour Healing Process

    • Freedom from Fear Process

    • Pain Relief Process

      Plus 2 super bonuses

      BONUS 1 – How Your Body Communicates With You
      BONUS 2 – How to use The Secret Language of Your Body for best results

      Running Time:
      Approximately 170 minutes. Colour.

    Visit: http://www.happylife.net.au/Products_Inna_Secrets_Healing.html to find out more or make your purchase

    Happy relationships

    One of the key 'errors' we make when we are settled in a relationship is that we think we don't have to try any more to sustain it. We assume that the hard part is over - 'hooking up' with a desired partner - but this is only the first step. Once in a relationship it's important to follow some key rules:
    • Be your BEST self - don't try to be someone that you are not just to impress your partner, because you can't sustain this forever
    • Practice open communication - bottling things up will only lead to resentment
    • Make an effort - looking your best for work and then changing into 'daggy' clothes the minute you get home sends the message that your partner isn't worth the effort
    • Find out when your partner is most open to talk about stressful issues like money, family, health and friendship concerns and schedule these times into your diaries
    • Don't use your partner as a punching bag - people often assume it's OK to dump all their baggage onto their partners, yet make an effort to put on a brace face around other people they care less about in order to keep the impression of being a positive person. Your partner needs to see this positive person too
    • Kiss your partner every day like you mean it - don't just go through the motions
    • Remind yourself regularly of why you know your partner loves you and vice versa

    If you keep to these tips you'll be amazed at how much better your relationship can be.

    For more information see the Happy Life member area: www.happylife.net.au/Members_Benefits.html

    Wednesday, August 25, 2010

    Sleep & Parenting

    Everyone knows that sleep is important, but it becomes most evident when you are sleep deprived. Just ask new mums!!!! One of the most unfair aspects of being a new parent is the fact that sleep deprivation can make parents (in particular mums) feel as though they can't enjoy the experience as much as they would like to. If you are a new parent and your child is experiencing sleep problems (research suggests approximately 25% of babies are difficult sleepers) the tiredness can be an even more pertinent issue for you.

    One of the best lessons you can learn as a new parent is to go with the flow. Well meaning friends, family and child care professionals will give you every possible reason as well as 'tried and tested' methods for getting your baby to sleep on it's own through the night, but you know your baby better than anyone. Every child eventually goes to sleep. Yes, it can be tiring to be up with a baby that won't stop crying, but if you trust your instincts and ask yourself questions like, "what might this baby need, is he/she in pain with wind, is he/she overtired, is he/she having trouble breathing due to a cold etc" then you can take a deep breath and tackle the situation with the resources you have available to you, rather than criticising your parental skills in that moment.

    Half the problem with having a baby that won't sleep is listening to the 'judgements' from others. The best thing you can do is give your baby what it needs. If your baby falls within the 75% of babies that respond well to sleep assisting techniques - then go ahead and use them. However, if your baby falls within the other 25%, it's OK to soothe your baby whichever way you feel will help him/her feel comforted and asleep. Accept this, don't berate yourself, trust in your instincts and MOST OF ALL.... try to catch up on your sleep around the baby's schedule when possible.

    Tuesday, August 24, 2010

    Recipe - Apple & cinnamon-choc pancakes

    In a large bowl combine
    • 1.5 cups of plain flour
    • 2 cups of low-fat milk
    • 1 tablespoon of Nutella
    • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
    • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
    • 1 whole egg
    • 1 apple (slice the apple thinly and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of raw sugar, then cook in the microwave on High for 1 minute)
    Fry the pancakes one by one in a hotplate and serve with maple syrup and fresh strawberries.

    Sunday, August 22, 2010

    How to stay positive when you're faced with the reality of things going wrong - right now!

    One of the toughest parts of the law of attraction is actually putting it into place when you're faced with the reality of your current situation. For instance, if you're focusing on increasing your wealth, yet you feel that every time you open the mail there is another bill to pay, it can be very difficult to stay positive and actually 'believe' that things might change.

    The key to the law of attraction working is telling yourself that things might take time - particularly large shifts. At the same time you need to have a very clear direction of where you are going. Further, you must have a back up plan to minimise the risk of reverting back into negative thinking when changes are not happening overnight. For instance, with money, it is very important to live within a structured budget whilst you are focusing on having that additional money - right now. This way, you're on top of your bills and don't experience stress, anxiety and depression every time you can't make ends meet. Sometimes it takes a little while longer for major shifts to happen, but believe in the power of positive focus, positive energy and positive influence. This is not 'magic', you see evidence of it every day.

    No matter what you believe, you can trust in the fact that if nothing is changing as a result of negative thinking, then a new way of thinking must at the very least achieve a more positive outcome.

    Patience in the face of advercity

    Sometimes it can be very hard to practice patience when you're tired, overworked, stressed or anxious. When you're experiencing these negative emotions it's much harder to cope with your pets being naughty, or your children not wanting to do the things you ask, but this is the time when you need the most strength of all to ensure you do not deliver inconsistent parenting (e.g. you gently spray your cat with water and say "no" when you're feeling energetic, versus yelling or even hitting your cat when your reserves are running low).

    Simply being aware of your 'danger' times of the day - is VERY important. For instance, on your way home from work mentally prepare yourself for the possibility that the house may not be tidy, the kids may want more of your attention that usual and you may have multiple chores that simply cannot wait another day. Think moment-to-moment. The kids and pets are your first priority, so give them the attention they deserve and then sit down and relax. Then when you're up to it (or early in the morning, if that suits you better) psych yourself up to doing the other tasks on your list.