Thursday, June 27, 2013

Quick way to reduce anxiety

Anxiety can strike in the most peculiar circumstances and situations. You may wake up anxious after a bad sleep, feel anxious as a result of your thoughts, or feel physically anxious for a range of reasons (eg exhaustion, food intolerance, too much caffeine).

The physical reactions you have when you feel anxious, such as your heart pumping quickly, have been programmed into you to give you a 'quick start' when you find yourself in trouble. However, because modern life lends itself to pushing you way beyond the norm, many people experience regular - unpleasant - anxiety which can be very uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Long term there are a range of anxiety reducing techniques (such as mindfulness and meditation) which work particularly well when your thoughts are the cause of your anxious responses. Thoughts related to worrying about something tend to be the culprit here. These thoughts include worrying about money, relationships, the world at large and so on.

Whilst long term anxiety reducing techniques are great and very useful, you often need a quick-fix when you're in the midst of an anxious episode. In this instance it has been found that one of the quickest methods of reducing anxiety is to shake it out physically - for instance through dance!

Everyone has a favorite song that makes them feel like being physical. If you're at home and you feel that anxious feeling coming on (eg you're siting at your computer stressing over your bills), stop for 5-10 mins and turn on your stereo. Find those songs that make you feel alive, energetic and full of life. Then, dance with all your might. You can do this alone or with friends/family/partner/your dog/cat. In fact doing this with others is a great way to shift you both into moment-to-moment thinking so it serves 2 great purposes.

If you're not at home, put your headphones on and stop what you're doing for 5-10 minutes and at least enjoy the positive energy boost you'll receive from the music, by tapping your feet or just breathing in the positive energy.

This simple technique is very powerful because it serves to physically re-adjust your body, shift your mental state from worry to happiness and to revitalize your body too.

So, the next time you're feeling anxious give this technique a go and enjoy the instant release it brings you.

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