Friday, July 25, 2014

How do we find a sense of hope in the face of such terribly times?

How do we find a sense of hope in the face of such terribly times?

I've been asked this question a lot lately. It's a tough one because it's easy to lose hope in humanity and compassion during times of human suffering. For some reason those who deliberately hurt others are focused so much internally about their own desires that they either ignore or simply cannot see or do not want to see the pain in others - often resulting from a determination to punish the world for their own or family/friends personal suffering - the old 'an eye for an eye' mentality.

In times like these, the only thing we can hold on to is a belief that most of the people in this world are essentially good people who care about others. We Need to focus strongly on the good in the world to create as much positive energy through focussing even more on love, peace & compassion in our own lives and in the world around us. If we do the opposite and focus on all the evil and negativity in the world we feed that energy instead.

We also really need a more balanced view of the world. We complain about the media saying that it's skewed in the negative, but why is it so? Yes there are the conspiracy theories, however the media are essentially selling a product and research shows that negative news sells. Think about it - even the glamour magazines have articles about murders or the worst dresses or famous overweight people - or those without make-up. Why do we want to read this? Do we think it will make us feel better to see that someone who appears to have so much, really isn't that happy after all? Does it justify our misfortunes in doing so?

Of course we need to be informed of world events so we can do our best to create a better world and to help those who are suffering. Also we must advocate for those suffering that do not have a voice. However I believe we need to do this in a way that serves us better as human beings and does not make us angry & bitter about the world. We do not have to feed this negative energy and create even more negative energy. 

We cannot erase the past or justify it in any way. We must do what we can to help others also focus on the power we have to create a better world in the here and now. 

Each individual has the power to control their mind and visualise for 5 mins every day a peaceful and loving world. Research shows when people meditate in groups about peace, for that time, crime rates decline. So we do have power in these amazing minds - let's put them to good use. Every morning, every night & on public transport visualise peace, love and happiness. It's easy and can only improve your mood and life.

Allow yourself time to grieve and heal during painful experiences, but Don't lose faith in humanity. Trust in your goodness & in the goodness of most people on this earth. 

For more inspiration and support visit Happy Life: 

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