Sunday, May 5, 2013

What's that little voice inside telling you?

It can be quite shocking to take note of your internal language from time to time. We often hear experts talking about how important it is to think positively, however, we rarely stop to evaluate what is going on in our mind from day to day (minute to minute).

Little experiences, such as running late , having too much on your plate, working with an unsupportive boss and dealing with negative people in your life, can lead to negative internal thinking - and in particular self criticism. These negative thoughts can then result in feelings of agitation - which over time - can cause you to lash out (respond in a snappy way) towards those you really care about.

At work you may be dealing with a boss who is very consumed in his own stress and doesn't have the time or energy to consider your feelings. At home you may be feeling overwhelmed about all the chores to be done when you're feeling tired and overworked already. In friendships you may be feeling rejected because your friends seem to only call you when they have a problem and need support. Day to day you may be feeling like a failure because the debts keep piling up and you can't seem to get on top of them. And so on...

These are all natural responses to situations many people experience day in and day out. The major issue with them, however, is their impact on your self worth as you berate yourself for not having the perfect life you may assume others in your life have achieved effortlessly. Further, whilst you may be aware of larger negative thoughts, such as "i hate my job", a range of negative thoughts lead up to the creation of that final one (such as "he hates me, he doesn't respect me, I'm not competent enough, I shouldn't be here, I'm not doing a good job etc...". Most of these negative self criticisms are not true, yet the more you hear your internal voice being negative, the more you believe it.

It's all well and good to say "Just stop thinking negatively"... If only it was that easy!!! Negative thinking is fast, very sneaky & can often catch you off guard. So the key is to open your awareness & try not to let your guard down. This means regularly stopping to evaluate your thoughts and in particular being mindful of what is going on in your mind when you have nothing to distract it (eg when you're cleaning, opening junk emails, traveling on public transport, exercising and meditating). These are the perfect moments for your mind to wander and remind you of everything you're worried about.

The more you catch yourself in the moment of negativity - especially mindless negativity - the more you can stop it in its track, refocus & reduce its reappearance. So, you can take another step closer towards positive energy and creating your ideal life.

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