Sunday, August 22, 2010

Patience in the face of advercity

Sometimes it can be very hard to practice patience when you're tired, overworked, stressed or anxious. When you're experiencing these negative emotions it's much harder to cope with your pets being naughty, or your children not wanting to do the things you ask, but this is the time when you need the most strength of all to ensure you do not deliver inconsistent parenting (e.g. you gently spray your cat with water and say "no" when you're feeling energetic, versus yelling or even hitting your cat when your reserves are running low).

Simply being aware of your 'danger' times of the day - is VERY important. For instance, on your way home from work mentally prepare yourself for the possibility that the house may not be tidy, the kids may want more of your attention that usual and you may have multiple chores that simply cannot wait another day. Think moment-to-moment. The kids and pets are your first priority, so give them the attention they deserve and then sit down and relax. Then when you're up to it (or early in the morning, if that suits you better) psych yourself up to doing the other tasks on your list.

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