Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sleep & Parenting

Everyone knows that sleep is important, but it becomes most evident when you are sleep deprived. Just ask new mums!!!! One of the most unfair aspects of being a new parent is the fact that sleep deprivation can make parents (in particular mums) feel as though they can't enjoy the experience as much as they would like to. If you are a new parent and your child is experiencing sleep problems (research suggests approximately 25% of babies are difficult sleepers) the tiredness can be an even more pertinent issue for you.

One of the best lessons you can learn as a new parent is to go with the flow. Well meaning friends, family and child care professionals will give you every possible reason as well as 'tried and tested' methods for getting your baby to sleep on it's own through the night, but you know your baby better than anyone. Every child eventually goes to sleep. Yes, it can be tiring to be up with a baby that won't stop crying, but if you trust your instincts and ask yourself questions like, "what might this baby need, is he/she in pain with wind, is he/she overtired, is he/she having trouble breathing due to a cold etc" then you can take a deep breath and tackle the situation with the resources you have available to you, rather than criticising your parental skills in that moment.

Half the problem with having a baby that won't sleep is listening to the 'judgements' from others. The best thing you can do is give your baby what it needs. If your baby falls within the 75% of babies that respond well to sleep assisting techniques - then go ahead and use them. However, if your baby falls within the other 25%, it's OK to soothe your baby whichever way you feel will help him/her feel comforted and asleep. Accept this, don't berate yourself, trust in your instincts and MOST OF ALL.... try to catch up on your sleep around the baby's schedule when possible.

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